Friday, February 4, 2011

Saving for the Super Bowl: How to Throw a FREE Game Day Fiesta

Get 5 smart tips to save big on your game-day party--and share some of your own tips for a chance to win a Super Bowl bash on us.

1. Cheer for charity

Have fun watching the game with friends and family while supporting a good cause--and take a tax deduction, too. Here’s what to do:
  • Choose a charity or cause you love.
  • Provide guests with suggested donations. For example, if you want to raise $500, recommend each person donate $25.
  • Ask your local liquor store if it would donate a little free product in exchange for free promotion at your event. More often than not, the business is willing.

2. Get sponsored

Let a brand donate their food and drink to your party. Here’s how to get involved:
  • has a host of brands willing to provide free goods and services for your party, including DiGiorno Pizza and Kraft.
  • Pick the brand you’d like to host and then complete a questionnaire about yourself and your knowledge of the brand. Your answers help the House Party team know if you’re a good fit for the promotion.
  • If you’re chosen, the brand will supply a host of party goods for you and your friends to enjoy.

3. Go green to save green

Some NFL stadiums have been taking measures to go green for years now, saving hundreds of thousands in energy costs and recycling everything from straws to cooking grease. Here’s how you can conserve at home:
  • Use real dishes. Save about $20 and space in a landfill by not buying plastic plates, cups, and silverware.
  • Send Evites. Don’t send paper invitations. Use free electronic invitations instead.
  • Recycle, donate, or sell your big, old TV. Use the big game as an excuse to treat yourself to a sleek, energy-efficient LCD TV. It’ll cost you up front, though you may find a pre-game day deal (see below) and you’ll save on energy in the long run.

4. Go coupon hunting

There are tons of blogs and websites out there that have the scoop on the latest deals at hundreds of retailers. Save big on everything from food to supplies to electronics just by spending a few minutes doing an online search. Here’s what we found:

5. Get a little help from your friends

After all, it’s the company that really makes the party special. So rather than breaking your back (and the bank) trying to get everything done by yourself, include your guests and make it fun.
  • Have a competitive potluck. Have a cook-off for fans of opposing teams (or let each person fend for themselves). It’ll add to the spirit of the day and save you big on groceries.
  • Ask for help. Need extra chairs? Ask your friends to bring them instead of buying them. Looking for some preshow entertainment? Ask your friends to bring their favorite games to play. That’s what friends are for.

Home Search

Holly's Restaurant Motel- Grasonville MD-Eastern Shore in the early 60's

I thought you might like this time capsule picture of Holly's Restaurant Motel in the early 1960's. I love the TV! Forget the LED Flat screen this baby this sweet. A lot has changed in Queen Anne's County since the 1960's but Holly's remains one of the iconic restaurants serving up Fried Chicken and homemade milk shakes since 1955!

For more information, log on to:

4 bed- 3 ba-Single Family Home- 2155sq- 209 NORTH BROOK DR- Centreville MD 21617

Offered at $359,000

Centreville, MD
Click Here for More Information
•  Single Family Home•  Unspecified lot•  4 bedrooms
•  Built in Unspecified•  2155 sq ft sq. ft. living area Area•  3 bathrooms
•   Status: Active•  Kitchen•  Fireplace
•   County: QUEEN ANNES•  2 car garage(s)•  Dining room
•  Subdivision: NORTH BROOK•  Attached parking•  Laundry room
•  Approximately 0.46 acre(s)•  Forced air heat•  Hardwood floors
•  2 total full bath(s)•  Cooling features: Cooling,Electric, Heat Pump(s)•  Parking features: Driveway/Off Street
•  1 total half bath•  Approximate lot is X 80 X 251•  MainFloorBathroom
•  3 stories•  Lot size is less than 1/2 acre•  Master Bedroom
•  Type: Detached home, Fee simple•  Call agent for details on association fee info.•  LivingRoom
•  Family room•  Basement

Dina Baxter
Rosendale Realty
605 Main St. Suite 100
Maryland 21666
(410) 643-2166

  Posted: February 04, 2011

5 Great Reasons to Buy a House in 2011.

1. Buying may be cheaper than renting- I posted an article back in January that provided detail on the some of the triggers to watch including the Moody’s Analytics, price-rent ratio for third quarter of 2010. As a general rule of thumb, you should often buy when the ratio is below 15 and rent when it’s above 20. If it’s between 15 and 20, lean toward renting. Every situation and market is different and you need to way the pro's and con's and explore all the benefits and potential pitfalls of homeownership. 

2. There Are Tax Advantages to Homeownership- Mortgage interest-Your biggest tax break is reflected in the house payment you make each month since, for most homeowners, the bulk of that check goes toward interest. And all that interest is deductible, unless your loan is more than $1 million. Points-Did you pay points to get a better rate on any of your various home loans? They offer a tax break, too. The only issue is exactly when you get to claim them.Taxes-The other major deduction in connection with your home is property taxes. A big part of most monthly loan payments is taxes, which go into an escrow account for payment once a year. This amount should be included on the annual statement you get from your lender, along with your loan interest information. These taxes will be an annual deduction as long as you own your home. When you sell- When you decide to move up to a bigger home, you'll be able to avoid some taxes on the profit you make. Years ago, to avoid paying tax on the sale of a residence, a homeowner had to use the sale proceeds to buy another house. In 1997, the law was changed so that up to $250,000 in sales gain ($500,000 for married joint filers) is tax-free as long as the homeowner owned the property for two years and lived in it for two of the five years before the sale. Advice- Always check with your accountant or tax advisor for professional tax advice

3. Homeownership Builds Wealth- 
Owning a home has been seen as a good investment in the past. Historically home prices rise at a steady pace and if you remain in your home long-term you are able to build equity and thus build your wealth. In recent years home prices rose at rates higher than we typically see. Home ownership should be looked at as a long-term investment and only one part of your investment or retirement strategy. 

4. Real Estate is a Good Long Term Investment- Real estate can still be counted among the best long term investments, provided a person invests in it wisely. There are many people who believe that buying real estate property is always a good investment because bricks and mortar always appreciates, indefinitely. This is not always 100 percent true, but holding onto an investment for more than a decade usually overcomes any economic slump that threatened its value.

5. Experts Expect Home Price Appreciation Starting Next Year-  The trajectory of real-estate values will vary a great deal from one market to the next. But home prices at the national level should appreciate at "pre-bubble" rates once the market re-establishes its equilibrium, says Kenneth Rosen, chairman of the Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics at the University of California, Berkeley: "I'd say prices are back to (increasing) 1 or 2 percent more than the inflation rate over the next 10 years." 

Wild picture of the Bay Bridge

Picture of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge under construction. It's very weird to see the ship channel open. Enjoy