Thursday, May 13, 2010

Could this be true, really - a free cell phone and minutes for low income households

When I first heard about SafeLink Wireless, I was in bed watching television. Could this be true, really - a free cell phone and minutes for low income households? To my surprise SafeLink Wireless is 100% legitimate and is actually run through the government funded LifeLine program!

As a matter of fact, if you receive food stamps, cash assistance, section 8, Social Security Income, Medicaid, or the free lunch program, than you will most likely be accepted into this LifeLine benefit program from SafeLink Wireless. You may already be familiar with LifeLine as many low income residence use it to get discounted land line service, but with SafeLink Wireless you actually pay nothing at all. The cell phone service is completely free to you!

Benefits vary by state, and yes, the minutes in which you would receive each month are very minimal. However, your minutes do roll over if you do not use them, so if you only use your phone for emergencies, you will rack up a lot of minutes in your account, which may be used at your leisure. If you do go over your allotted minutes, you may purchase more air time minutes easily at WalMart, Kmart or any other store which sells TracPhone air time cards.

The number of minutes allotted to each family, like I stated is minimal. But to give you an idea, here in MD, you could receive a free phone (no commitment) as well as 64 minutes a month from SafeLink. Now I know that's not a lot of minutes, but think about how great this is for seniors to keep in their car, or a single mom who gets a flat tire. There are almost no more pay phones to be found since the cell phone seemed to lessen the need. However, there are many people, most low income, who do not have a cell phone and have no way of communication in an emergency. Here are dozens of situations in which that simple 64 minutes a month could be found handy, practical and even life saving. In a power outage, or when a low income residence gets their utilities shut off, how do they even make arrangements to get it turned on? It is also vital for everyone, regardless of income to be able to have a reachable working phone, and SafeLink Wireless provides just that.

SafeLink Wireless is pretty new and is not available in all states or areas at the moment, however, SafeLink is actively pursuing more areas trying to put a cell phone in the hands of those who can not afford one; yet can not afford to be with out one.

So please, look into SafeLink if not for you than anyone else who you may feel would benefit from a free cell phone, with free minutes each month!

You may learn more about SafeLink Wireless through this link:

You may also contact SafeLink Wireless directly by by phone at 1-800-977-3768