Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Alive at 25 Defensive Driving classroom presentation

Alive at 25 Defensive Driving classroom presentation is a Maryland Department of Motor Vehicles approved Driver Improvement class. The Courts also honor program certificates for consideration in traffic cases. 11,000 young drivers between the ages of 15-24 die each year from traffic crashes in the United States. To enroll, contact Chesapeake Region Safety Council, Corinn King 800-875-4770.

Student fee is $55.Hours: 8:00 am until Noon Note: The date and/or time of this event has not been confirmed. Please check source event page for updates.
Venue Name: Queen Anne's County Sheriff's Office
Venue Address: 505 Railroad Avenue
Venue City: Centreville
Venue State: MD
Price: $55 (Chesapeake Region Safety Council)
When: Unknown Start Time with 1 other showtime 2.12.11 through 6.04.11